I have two young girls who are very different, but were both born incredibly sensitive and empathetic.  As a mom, I have often worried about their ability to be resilient in a world that discourages or, at best, ignores emotional sensitivity.  Liz has worked with them on their level and in their medium – using art, animals, and nature to explore emotional intelligence and coping mechanisms.  In the case of my older daughter (age 6 at the time), Liz was able to arrive at a creative solution to her anxiety that changed her teacher’s dialogue from being “she is disruptive, she needs help” to “she is great, problem solved,” within a month.  I cannot speak highly enough of Liz, her ability to hear her clients and meet them where they are at and walk with them toward a greater sense of confidence and happiness.  As far as my girls are concerned, they are constantly asking when they can get to go visit our friend Liz and her animals again!