Are you ready

to make a positive change? SELF-EMPOWERMENT. SELF-ADVOCACY. SELF-CONFIDENCE. Experience the connection to self to learn how to take the next step in your journey. Use your own inner wisdom to find clarity with the help of equine intuition. Get in touch with your personal guidance system, and live a more aware and authentic life. Let the horses assist you as you discover how your intuition guides you and how listening to your inner wisdom can bring about life changing clarity.

See how effective the EGCM equine Gestalt Method is! View the infographic.

What Clients Say

  • Big Change

    I have two young girls who are very different, but were both born incredibly sensitive and empathetic.  As a mom, I have often worried about their ability to be resilient in a world that discourages or, at best, ignores emotional sensitivity.  Liz has worked with them on their level and...

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  • Wonderful Day!

    Thank you for an outrageously wonderful day! I am in awe of your abilities and amazing horses. I definitely want more of this!....and that includes spending more time with all of you! - M.S. Charlottesville, VA...

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  • Amazing Experience

    My experience from start to finish was so intense and amazing and I am really struggling to put words to it. There was a tremendous healing you and horses gave me and I am deeply honored and appreciative of the gift. - K.S. Charlottesville, VA...

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