
Ever had that gut feeling…?

You are out walking for exercise and get a strong feeling of uneasiness in the pit of your stomach. You later find out there was an accident on your walking route, right where you would have been at that time. Or perhaps when you are about to give a presentation to a room full of people you just know the mood of the group and can adjust your presentation style accordingly. Or maybe, looking at your pet, you find that you start seeing images, hearing words, or sensing their feelings…..

All this is part of how our intuition works in our daily lives. Perhaps you  have not realized or paid attention to what your body and mind is telling you. That nervous feeling in the pit of the stomach, or the knowingness you get when you are observing your pet is just some examples of our complex way of viewing the world. For some of us that have a physical disability , it is part of the way we hear, see, or interactive in our lives in order to understand what is going on around us. For others, they have always been sensitive, and want to learn how to manage it, or increase their awareness to have a more fullfilling life.

Society teaches us from a very young age to put much more value on what we see and hear, rather than what we FEEL, and as a result, a lot of us are not aware of or pay attention to our intuition. So even on those rare occasions when we do experience that inner knowing, or feel a bit of a nudge to move in a particular direction, we often don’t recognize it for what it is.

However, there are quite a few ways that you can strenghten your intuition, it's just like working a muscle at the gym. The key is consistency, so take the time to practice.

I asked Liz to help me communicate with a horse I had owned for over 30 years.  I thought I knew what he was asking, but I was having a hard time believing or trusting the message.  Liz communicated with him and told me stories he was telling her of things that had happened between us that no one else witnessed or could have known.  There was no doubt she was hearing him loud and clear.  Her gift gave me the confidence to honor him as he deserved in his last weeks.  She was able to give me a peace of mind surrounding his final days for which I am eternally grateful.    

- AJ, Virginia

Learn to use your intuitive abilities in your daily life by practicing and learning many new techniques and sharing your experiences. Here are three tips that you can use now to help you get started.

Meditate - Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, teach you to react more positively to daily situations, and calm your mind to help you access your inner knowing.
Follow your intuition - When you get that small jolt of awareness, use it to tap into your intuition. Take the time to think about what your intution is trying to tell you. Write it down so you learn to recognize when your intuition is speaking to you.
Appreciate the natural world around you - Just take a walk outside in the quietness of the woods, a park, a quiet lane, or other natural relaxing environment and enjoy the beauty that nature has to offer. As you take the time to appreciate it, you become more in tune with your intuitive side.
Practice! - Like building a muscle, using this form of communication takes practice and consistency. Practice daily with your pet, your friend's pet and even with the wild animals you may see. Keep a journal to record your findings.

Intuitive Events and Workshops

Follow on FB for scheduling. Animal Communication and other workshops are scheduled pending availability. Please contact Liz if you wish to schedule a workshop prior to one being hosted.

Continue exploring your intuitive side! These are interactive workshops, with experiential exercises used to help awaken and strengthen our inherent intuitive gifts.

In the case of inclement weather, please make sure you check the site before coming out.