
About EquiSyn and Liz

Born with a hearing loss, Liz has had to utilize other senses to be able to hear and communicate effectively with the environment around her. She has always been drawn towards animals, finding a special bond with horses. She became a Equine Gestalt Coach to help others find their authentic selves and gifts.

A lifelong horsewoman, Liz has always been fascinated by the interaction of horses and humans. She developed her ability to understand non-verbal cues at an early age and incorporates this skill in her work and teaching others how to access and use this part of themselves. Liz is gifted in understanding somatics, and teaches people how to be in their bodies to help them recognize and deal with emotions and triggers.

As an Equine Gestalt Coach, Liz offers workshops and individual sessions at her farm. She has retained a facility that has an indoor for inclement weather, and will travel to approved locations.

Liz is a certified Equine Gestalt Coach, Masterson Method Equine Specialist, and has a certificate in Art Therapy.  She is always learning, keeping up to date with today's techniques in equine assisted learning and gestalt coaching. She practices mindfulness and meditation.  When you develop your awareness, you enable yourself to live a healthier, happier, more fulfilled life.

The name EquiSyn comes from the combination of the words Equine and Synergy. It represents the synergistic connection that we have with our equine partners.

               Masterson Method

What is EGCM??

EGCM infographicThe Equine Gestalt Coaching Method is a SCIENTIFICALLY AND STATISTICALLY PROVEN METHOD of helping clients to bring about awareness and change. To read more about this methodology, you can read about it online, view a short video, or view the EGCM companion presentation to the infographic shown above.  If you'd like more information about the study, please feel free to reach out to equisyn@gmail.com.

Equine Gestalt Coaching Method

  • M. Methodology. The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® was developed by Melisa Pearce, a core founder since 1989, of the horse-human healing movement. 
  • E. Experiential. The experiential nature of the method involves the horse as an active partner with the coach in the client's exploratory process.
  • I. Integrative Approach. The integrative approach of the equine's interaction combined with positive coaching, somatic awareness guidance and Gestalt methodology, assists the client in examining their life and choices made with a focus on designing a positive future.

Masterson Method

  • Relaxation. The Masterson Method® is an innovative form of equine massage that allows the horse to release deep, accumulated pain and tension in muscles and connective tissue. 
  • Connection. Those practicing this bodywork on horses can improve their connection with the horse, develop greater self-awareness, and deepen their quiet, mindful presence.
  • Powerful Impact. Not just benefitting the horses, we have found that doing this bodywork has a meaningful and often powerful impact on the people who are practicing it. Read more about this program on the Masterson Method bodywork  page.

Why Choose EquiSyn?

Learn to Listen

Listening is different from hearing. Learn to be a more effective listener and to really understand what your pet or significant other is actually saying.

Heal your heart

Life is difficult enough, without having to worry about everyone eles's problems. Let our horses help you heal your heart and reconnect with your inner spirit once again.

Improving your Communication with Others

Have you ever noticed that someone is telling you one thing but their body language is saying another? Learn to understand the perceptions when reading body language, and become a more effective communicator.

Workshops and Events

See workshops that EquiSyn provides, or request one to be designed for your needs.
  • Women's Healing and Empowerment
  • Dream Workshops
  • Embracing Intuitive Awareness
  • Team Building and Corporate Workshops
  • Deepen Connection with Your Horse
  • Personality and Communications
  • Hero's Journey Workshops for kids
  • Personalized Workshops - Contact EquiSyn